Monday, March 8, 2010

First GYN exam

Q: When should my 13 year old daughter have her first gynecology visit? At what age do you start pap testing?

A: It is recommended that a young woman start having yearly gynecologic exams and pap smears when she is 18 or sooner if she becomes sexually active, anticipates becoming sexually active or has problems such as painful or irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic pain, breast problems or vaginal discharge.

If your daughter is not having any problems a visit between the ages of 13-15 may still be helpful to establish a baseline, build trust and explain what to expect at future visits. I would not anticipate doing a pelvic exam at that visit unless she was having problems. I would also gather information using the least invasive technique possible. For example, I'd prefer ordering a pelvic ultrasound on a girl who is young and has not been sexually active than doing a pelvic exam because it is less traumatic.

I understand that young women are very nervous for their first exam. I will explain what I am going to do, explain normal female anatomy, show her the speculum,etc. before the exam. I will also explain what I'm doing during the exam and make it as comfortable as possible. ~Lisa

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